Monday, February 17, 2014


This is a video we were shown in class today. I was touched by this video. It is extremely deep, and makes you think. This is my favorite video we have watched in class so far. I feel because he relates school to famous people and real life events is why it is so interesting to me. This video made me wonder if me paying all this money to receive a higher education than high school is even worth it. I have to sit and think why am I in school, who I want to become, and why... I feel every high school student should watch this video to ask their selves is going off to college what they need to succeed in life. Like he says about having no common sense and dead-lines, and late nights... it all adds up to what a graduation that doesn't even come with a 100% chance of getting a job afterwards.


  1. I thought that this video was pretty cool too. But, I also wonder why I/my parents do pay so much money to get an education. So many students go off to a four year college and their money and do not even know what they want to do with their lives. I agree with you and think that high school students should highly consider if college is the right choice for them!

  2. I think so many people go to college just because society says that's what you do next. It's either four-year college, two-year college, or the military, depending on socio-economic status. No longer does society accept self-education, apprenticeships, vocational training, or blue-collar work right out of high school. Self-education is a big loss. Most things you learn in college, you could learn on your own "for $1.95 in late fees at the public library." ( (this is Sweeney)
